Mumbai To Lambasingi, Andhra Pradesh

Traveling from Mumbai to Lambasingi, Andhra Pradesh, presents several options, though it involves a considerable distance. Here’s how you can get there:

By Air:

  • The nearest airport to Lambasingi is Vishakhapatnam Airport (also known as Visakhapatnam Airport), located approximately 130 kilometers away. You can take a flight from Mumbai to Vishakhapatnam, which takes around 1.5 to 2 hours. From Vishakhapatnam Airport, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Lambasingi. The journey from Vishakhapatnam to Lambasingi by road takes approximately 3 to 4 hours, depending on the route and traffic conditions.

By Train:

  • There isn’t a direct train route from Mumbai to Lambasingi. However, you can take a train from Mumbai to Vishakhapatnam Railway Station, which is the nearest major railway station to Lambasingi. From Vishakhapatnam, you can continue your journey to Lambasingi by road, either by taxi or by bus. The train journey from Mumbai to Vishakhapatnam takes around 24 to 30 hours, depending on the train you choose. The road journey from Vishakhapatnam to Lambasingi takes approximately 3 to 4 hours.

By Road:

  • You can also travel from Mumbai to Lambasingi by road. The distance between Mumbai and Lambasingi is approximately 1,020 kilometers, and the journey takes around 20 to 22 hours by car, depending on the route and traffic conditions. You can either drive yourself or hire a taxi.
  • There might be direct or connecting bus services available from Mumbai to Vishakhapatnam or nearby towns. From Vishakhapatnam, you can then continue your journey to Lambasingi by road. You can check with state transport or private bus operators for schedules and availability. The bus journey typically takes longer than traveling by car or train.

When planning your trip, consider the time it takes for each mode of transportation, as well as your preferences for comfort and convenience. Additionally, it’s advisable to check for any travel advisories or updates before embarking on your journey.

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